My journey so far

The corporate 9-5 lifestyle

Fresh out of higher education I landed a job in my hometown.

In a boardroom similar to this, I felt stuck in the lifestyle provided by a 9-5 job.

I felt unfulfilled and I reasoned that there must be more to do and see in the world but I didn’t know how to access this.

A taste of the other side

Feeling trapped by my 9-5 job, I went in search of another way of living. Naturally, this lead me to skydiving above Lake Taupo in New Zealand!

Unfortunately my trip was cut short due to the outbreak of a worldwide pandemic which left me with a burning desire to realise a lifestyle where I could choose to work from wherever I wanted.

It was at this time I picked up the 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. It promised a world of adventure and the mention of Ecommerce had me hooked.

Initial failure

I jumped in at the deep end and started selling cheap products from China while running Facebook ads.

By the time I had accounted for ad spend, returns and not to mention disgruntled customers, I decided that this was not the business model that would enable me to reach my goals.

I promised myself that I would not view this as a failure, as long as I learned difficult lessons to inform my next decisions.

A fresh start

UK Dropshipping + Dedicated Mentorship = Success.

This was my new formula and I was determined to follow this to achieve my dream lifestyle.

Using a proven system with mentorship, I was able to work with reputable UK suppliers to serve UK customers with next day delivery.

I could quickly see that this business model had the potential to create my desired lifestyle with abundance.

I planted the seed of my business and nourished it every day with constant improvements to myself and my business.

Scaling to £60k a month

Following a proven path and working closely with mentors has allowed me to make sales figures that are double my annual salary from my 9-5 job.

I have now outsourced the day-to-day running of my business so that I can work on where I can provide the most value.

I can work from anywhere in the world with an internet connection and I am my own boss.

Now it’s your turn

I want to share the lessons I have learned and provide advice to people in the same position that I was not too long ago.

If you are feeling a similar lack of fulfilment and excitement to work everyday, I can help you to regain control of your time and location.

I can bridge the gap for you to go from unfulfilled to achieving your wildest goals.

Take your first step.

I have put together a free course to teach you how to get started with a dropshipping business for yourself.

“To achieve goals you’ve never achieved before, you need to start doing things you’ve never done before.”

— Stephen R. Covey